Fabio Álvarez
Category: Piano - Romantic music, XXth century - CD
Musical Zodiac
George Crumb
CD Tracks
Part 1:
1. Primeval Sounds (Genesis I) Cancer
2. Proteus Pisces
3. Pastorale (from the Kingdom of
Atlantis, ca. 10,000 B.C.) Taurus
4. Crucifixus [SYMBOL] Capricorn
Part 2:
5. The Phantom Gondolier Scorpio
6. Night-Spell I Sagittarius
7. Music of Shadows (for Aeolian Harp) Libra
8. The Magic Circle of Infinity
(Moto Perpetuo) [SYMBOL] Leo
Part 3:
9. The Abyss of Time Virgo
10. Spring-Fire Aries
11. Dream Images (Love-Death Music) Gemini
12. Spiral Galaxy [SYMBOL] Aquarius
Part 1:
13. Morning Music (Genesis II) Cancer
14. The Mystic Chord Sagittarius
15. Rain-Death Variations Pisces
16. Twin Suns (Doppelgänger aus der Ewigkeit) [SYMBOL] Gemini
Part 2:
17. Ghost-Nocturne: for the Druids of
Stonehenge (Night-Spell II) Virgo
18. Gargoyles Taurus
19. Tora! Tora! Tora!
(Cadenza Apocalittica) Scorpio
20. A Prophecy of Nostradamus
[SYMBOL] Aries
Part 3:
21. Cosmic wind Libra
22. Voices from "Corona Borealis" Aquarius
23. Litany of the Galactic Bells Leo
24. Agnus Dei [SYMBOL] Capricorn

Musical Zodiac - Makrokosmos I & II - George Crumb (OR 3968 - 0581)

Category: Piano - Romantic music, XXth century - CD
Musical Zodiac
George Crumb
CD Tracks
Part 1:
1. Primeval Sounds (Genesis I) Cancer
2. Proteus Pisces
3. Pastorale (from the Kingdom of Atlantis, ca. 10,000 B.C.) Taurus
4. Crucifixus [SYMBOL] Capricorn
Part 2:
5. The Phantom Gondolier Scorpio
6. Night-Spell I Sagittarius
7. Music of Shadows (for Aeolian Harp) Libra
8. The Magic Circle of Infinity
(Moto Perpetuo) [SYMBOL] Leo
Part 3:
9. The Abyss of Time Virgo
10. Spring-Fire Aries
11. Dream Images (Love-Death Music) Gemini
12. Spiral Galaxy [SYMBOL] Aquarius
Part 1:
13. Morning Music (Genesis II) Cancer
14. The Mystic Chord Sagittarius
15. Rain-Death Variations Pisces
16. Twin Suns (Doppelgänger aus der Ewigkeit) [SYMBOL] Gemini
Part 2:
17. Ghost-Nocturne: for the Druids of
Stonehenge (Night-Spell II) Virgo
18. Gargoyles Taurus
19. Tora! Tora! Tora! (Cadenza Apocalittica) Scorpio
20. A Prophecy of Nostradamus [SYMBOL] Aries
Part 3:
21. Cosmic wind Libra
22. Voices from "Corona Borealis" Aquarius
23. Litany of the Galactic Bells Leo
24. Agnus Dei [SYMBOL] Capricorn
“Music is a system of proportions in the service
of a spiritual impulse”
George Crumb
Makrokosmos I & II (1972/73) is one of the most complete and influential cycles of the new technical resources of the piano from the latter twentieth century.
The first volume is composed in memory of Béla Bartok (1881 - 1945) and dedicated to the pianist David Burge (1930 - 2013) and the second in memory of Gustav Mahler (1860 - 1911) and dedicated to the pianist Robert Miller (1930) - 1981).
Each piece is assigned a zodiac sign reflecting his preoccupation with time and space.
Each volume is divided into three parts, themselves sectioned into four parts that are to be played without interruption. Crumb designed the fourth piece of each part in the form of a symbol in relation to the composition. In the first volume: Crucifixus as a cross, The Magic Circle of Infinity as circle and Spiral Galaxy as a spiral (picture on the back cover).
Both volumes subtitled: Twelve pieces of fantasy after the zodiac for amplified piano. Twenty-four pieces that constitute a massive and detailed exploration of the sonorous possibilities of the piano, creating a virtuous synthesis between the conventional pianism (keyboard) and the unconventional (inside the piano), including the pianist through whispers, whistles, chants or shouts.
Crumb exploits all the pianistic color tones imaginable on the keyboard and inside the piano by traversing the entire pitch range of the instrument, using the three pedals, exploiting an (extraordinarily wide dynamic range through amplification), using the pianist's hands to strike, pluck and scrape the strings and through the use of objects: chains, glass tumblers, metal plectrums, metal thimbles, sheets of paper or a wire brush.
Fabio Álvarez
“La música es un sistema de proporciones al servicio de un impulso espiritual”
George Crumb
Makrokosmos I y II (1972/73) es uno de los ciclos más completos e influyentes de los nuevos recursos técnicos del piano de finales del siglo XX.
El primer volumen está compuesto en memoria de Béla Bartok (1881 – 1945) y dedicado al pianista David Burge (1930 – 2013) y el segundo en memoria de Gustav Mahler (1860 – 1911) y dedicado al pianista Robert Miller (1930 – 1981).
Cada pieza tiene asignado un signo del zodiaco como reflejo de su preocupación por el tiempo y el espacio.
Cada volumen está dividido en tres partes, divididas a su vez en cuatro piezas que deben ser interpretadas sin interrupción. Crumb diseñó la cuarta pieza de cada parte con la forma de un símbolo en relación a la composición. En el primer volumen: Crucifixus en cruz, The Magic Circle of Infinity en círculo y Spiral Galaxy en espiral (foto en la contraportada).
Ambos volúmenes subtitulados: Doce piezas de fantasía después del zodiaco para piano amplificado. Veinticuatro piezas que constituyen una exploración masiva y detallada de las posibilidades sonoras del piano, creando una virtuosa síntesis entre el pianismo convencional (teclado) y el no convencional (dentro del piano), incluyendo al pianista mediante susurros, silbidos, cantos o gritos.
Crumb explota todos los tonos de color pianísticos imaginables en el teclado y dentro del piano aprovechando todo el rango de tono del instrumento, utilizando los tres pedales, explotando un rango dinámico (extraordinariamente amplio a través de la amplificación), usando las manos del pianista para percutir, puntear y raspar las cuerdas y a través del uso de objetos: cadenas, vasos de cristal, púas metálicas, dedales metálicos, hojas de papel o una escobilla metálica.
Fabio Álvarez